To all women in Poland (Letter of Solidarity)
To all women in Poland,
Hungarian civil society organisations have been watching your fight with admiration and respect. We stand with you in your relentless efforts to protect your rights, your freedom, your democracy.
We live in different countries but we share so many of our struggles: government propaganda, democratic backsliding and shrinking civil space are a danger to any society. In recent years Hungary set a bad example in these, and the Polish government has chosen to follow this path. But just as you, many of us believe in and fight for a society where people can come together and take action freely, without fear or restrictions.
In order to express our simpathy with your cause, our coalition sent a letter of protest to the Embassy of Poland in Budapest asking the Polish government to start a fair and open dialogue about a new regulation on abortion respecting women’s rights.
We stand with you, and wish you success with your cause and the strength to build a thriving, just and peaceful society!
Warm regards,
Civilisation Coalition
Állítsátok meg a Gyilkos Robotokat aktivisták hálózata / Hungarian activist network of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
Amnesty International Magyarország / Hungary
Az Emberség Erejével Alapítvány / Power of Humanity Foundation
Civil Kollégium Alapítvány / Civil College Foundation
Demokratikus Ifjúságért Alapítvány / Foundation for Democratic Youth
Háttér Társaság / Háttér Society
Közélet Iskolája / School of Public Life
Levegő Munkacsoport / Clean Air Action Group
MASZK Egyesület (Szeged) / MASZK Association
MENŐK - Magyar Európai Nők Fóruma Egyesület / MENŐK Association - Hungarian European Women’s Forum
Ökotárs Alapítvány /Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation
Utcáról Lakásba! Egyesület / From Streets to Homes Association
Védegylet Egyesület / Védegylet Association
Cover photo: Strajk Kobiet and WOŚP