Dear Teachers,
We follow your strikes and civil disobedience movement with great respect and appreciation. We support your demands and recognise that striking is a fundamental right!
The Hungarian state has a duty to guarantee your working conditions: a decent living wage, a commensurate workload and professional autonomy. You have the right to teach our children in decent conditions.
We are grateful to you for giving them new knowledge every day, for setting an example and teaching them to think sensitively and critically, so that they can make responsible choices and stand up for themselves and for each other, as you are doing.
And the rest of us have a shared responsibility to stand by you and give you the recognition you deserve for your work. We are with you when you speak out against infringement and defend your professional freedom and democracy. Many CSOs share with you the will to fight and the belief in a fair, just and inclusive society.
As an expression of our solidarity, we, the CSOs of the Civilisation Coalition, wish your strike a successful outcome, contributing in the long term to the dignity of the teaching profession and the quality education of our children. With our own means, we will do our utmost to make Hungary a place where it is good to learn and teach, and where being a responsible and active member of society is not a disadvantage but a virtue.
Civilisation Coalition
Signatory member organizations:
Amnesty International Magyarország
Állítsuk meg a Gyilkos Robotokat Kampány aktivista hálózata
Artemisszió Alapítvány
Civil Kollégium Alapítvány
EJHA – emberi jogi nevelők hálózata
Greenpeace Magyarország Egyesület
Háttér Társaság
Haver Informális Zsidó Oktatási Alapítvány
Humán Platform
Közélet Iskolája
Magyar Női Érdekérvényesítő Szövetség
Magyarországi Európa Társaság
MASZK Egyesület (Szeged)
MENŐK Egyesület
Ökotárs Alapítvány
Transparency International Magyarország